I have the pleasure of knowing many military wives. Two of the wives that I know are currently enduring a deployment with their husbands, like many of us. Recently, their husbands' company lost 5 soldiers. They left behind wives, children, parents, siblings, and other friends and family who are grieving for them and will miss them for the rest of their lives. This is a daily reality for many military families out there.
So yes, today is not a registered holiday telling you to remember the military members in the past and the present who have fought and have or are willing to die for your families and our country, during your 3 day weekend filled with laughing and cookouts with friends and family, but remember anyways. Remember that tonight there are people out there grieving someone they will miss dearly. Remember that their are wives and husbands who are missing their anniversary and their kids birthdays because they chose to fight for us instead. Remember there are parents who are supporting their sons and daughters and have since the day they chose to enlist in their high school cafeteria. Remember all the spouses waiting for that phone call or IM for the chance to hear their Love's voice or see their face on a webcam that will shut off in 20 seconds anyway. I will leave with a photo of those who gave all and will be greatly missed and never forgotten.